English For Specific Purpose

Name : Bhumi Vinodbhai Joshi

M.A English  SEM - 3

Batch Year: 2014-2016

Roll No: 2

Enrolment No : PG14101020

Email ID : bhumivjoshi108@gmail.com

Paper Name :  English Language Teaching ( ELT)

Assignment  Topic :   English For Specific Purpose

Submitted to :  

          M.K.Bhavnagar University
                                Smt. S. B. Gardi    Department of English.

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v  Introduction :

       The study of English language in this modern age of globalization is essential. English language is the most important language of communication between different countries. India is a land of diversity. In India people of various states have their own languages . And English language has come us as a connecting link among various states of India. In India we use English language as' Second Language' in context in which English is used among Indians as'Link' or 'An Official Language'.

    English plays a dominant role in each fields and one has to learn English language with Specific purpose. Without English language one can't compete with other .If one wants to stay in market, one has to learn English.
            Different people can communicate with one another with the help of  English language .Today world becomes family and we must accept  English language as Second Language. Gradually, English is in process of development and it becomes the language of the constitution , the supreme court , the High courts and official departments. English is now firmly rooted in the soil of India. English has great importance for the integrity of India.
English serves two purposes:

1. It provides a linguistic tool for the administrative cohesiveness of a country.

2. It serves as language of wider communication.


            Tony Dudley – Evans was for many years a British linguist and expert in English for Specific Purposes. He is one of the most influence authors in the development of the modern notion of genre; he is usually grouped together with John Swales and Vijay Bhatia as the driving force behind recent development in English for Specific Purposes.

      English language has different branch of English language Teaching. And English For Specific Purpose (ESP) has for about 30 years been a separate branch of English Language Teaching.
            ESP has developed its own approaches, materials and methodology and is generally seen as a very active , even 'Feisty' movement that has had considered influence over the more general activities of  TESOL and applied linguistic.

            ESP has always seen itself as material - driven  and as a classroom - based activity concerned  with practical outcomes. Most writing about ESP is concerned with aspect of teaching materials production and text analysis rather than with the development of a theory of ESP.

 To discuss ESP in detail, we have to know ' What is ESP?' So, let's discuss first 'What is ESP?' and then use of English language in different fields with Specific Purpose.

·         What is ESP ? 

                    Some people described ESP as simply being the teaching of English for any purpose that could be specified others, however were more precise , describing it as the teaching of English used in academic studies or the teaching of English for Vocational or Professional Purposes. The key defining feature of ESP is that.........

" Its teaching and materials are founded on the result of need analysis."

When we think about ESP , there are some questions arise.......

Q.1 What do students need to do with English?

Q.2 Which of the skills do they need to master and how well?

Q.3 Which genres do they need to master , either for comprehension or                           production  purposes?

            Specific needs can be identified by examining that situation and the texts in detail; in contrast , for students not immediately using English, or about to use it, needs are much more general.

                Robinson , in her first overview of ESP ( 1980) suggested that limited duration and adult learners are defining features of ESP courses. While it is in English Medium schools true that the majority it is in learners are adults, ESP  can be taught at schools. Similarly, ESP is generally taught to intermediate or advanced students of English , but can also be taught to  intermediate or advanced students of English, but can also be taught to beginners.

English For Specific Purposes Courses are :

 Targeted :  ESP courses focus only on the language you need.

Relevant :  ESP is about your life outside the training room.

Specialist :  ESP trainers need to understand the context.

Motivating :  ESP language is business or work critical.

Cost- effective :  ESP training wastes no time.

                ESP may be designed for specific disciplines or professions. each field has its own vocabulary and its particular language. English use in various fields. ESP courses are just like.....Vocational. People study English for Specific Purposes so they can,

1. Perform better in the World economy

2. Progress in English language with particular field like.. Business company

3. Talk with various people who have culture difference.

4. Face multi-lingual environments.



In each field , we have to use different words for Specific Purposes. Though it is a English language, language differs field to field. The ESP teacher needs to bear in mind and exploit of possible this Specific subject knowledge, which leads to classroom interaction and teaching methodology that can be quite different from that of general English .

Let's see what is the difference between the ESP and General  English approach ?

                The difference between the ESP and General  English approach :
Hutchinson simply gives the answer that....

                " In theory nothing; in practice a great deal."

                Teachers of General English Courses, while acknowledging that students had a specific purpose for studying English would rarely conduct a needs analysis to find out what was necessary to actually achieve it.

                Instead of conduction interviews with specialists in the field, analyzing the language that is required in the profession, or even conducting student's need analysis, many ESP teachers have become slaves of the published text book available, unable to evaluate their suitability based on personal experience and unwilling to do the necessary analysis of difficult specialist texts to verify their contents.

                The most important difference  lies in the learners and their purposes of learning  English ESP students are usually adults who already have some acquaintance with English and are learning the language in order to communicate a set professional skill.
                ESP concentrate more on language in context than on teaching grammar and language structures. The ESP focal points is that English is not taught as a subject but it is that English is not taught as a subject but it is separated from the student's real interest area. In ESP subject matter area is more important to the learners.

                English for Specific Purpose is also different in the aim of instruction. While in ESL all four language Skills- Listening, Reading, Speaking, and Writing are equally stressed and in ESP - it is a need analysis that determines which language skills are most needed by the students.

                In shorts, we may say that English for Specific Purpose combines subject matter and English Language Teaching.

 Differences between ESP and General English :


English For Specific Purpose

General English

Specialized Lexis
More freedom to use words
Motivation related to job
Free  time activities
Teach negotiation and presentation
Social Events
Techniques and business correspondence
General writing skill
Goal oriented students
Time for game in free time activity

                Though there are major differences between ESP and General English. We find some common aspect in both which are as below :

·         Grammar and various  Functions

·         General  Vocabulary

·         Anxiety about abilities

·         Small talk and current events

·         Survival English.

  What do the learners want to learn ?

                For different sets of learners ,need are also different. All have their own requirement to be fulfilled. Some want professional qualification, some want to acquire the skill of polite conversation, some need English which can be useful to them to handle business, a clerk wants to know better drafting and communicative skills, the company secretary wants English skills that can help to correspond with the business world, an Engineer wants to acquire terminology related to his profession and English specific to his work.

                Students at higher levels need  Academic English, research skills and more analytical skills. All learners want to be empowered with the help of a single weapon :English Language Learning.   

                Tony Dudley -Evans said that 'English For Specific Purpose' is often divided up into various categories with mysterious acronyms. It is usually classified into two main categories:

1. English For Academic Purpose s[EAP]

2. English For Occupational Purposes [ EOP]

                                EAP largely speaks for itself; it relates to English needed is an educational context. Usually at a university or similar institution , and possibly at a university or similar institution , and possibly also at school level. EOP is more complicated ; it relates with different professional purposes.

                                Dudley -Evans an St. John 9(1998) drawing on an idea from George Blue make distinction between English  for General  Academic Purposes (EGAP) designed for pre- study groups, or groups that are heterogeneous with regard to discipline , and English For Specific needs of a group from the same discipline.

                For us ESAP [ English For Specific Academic Purpose] or ESBP [ English For Specific Business Purposes] both are convenient as profession using. No doubts , there we find the differences in Medical English, English For Engineers or English For Administration. We may be quick on classification of this term but sometime it leads to confusion.


                 Medical English may include EAP for students  following a degree course in medicine where English is medium of instruction, or a reading skills course where the subject is taught in a language other than English , but also a type of EOP [English For Occupational Purpose] for practising doctors using English to talk to patients.

                Above example is reflection of both types English For Specific Academic Purpose and English for Occupational Purpose. But let's see individual example of English For Occupational Purposes. Here , we mention the example of " Tourist Guide Course" - the person  who wants to English For this Occupation.

                Pre-study , or pre-work courses where learners have not started their academic or professional activity and therefore have less subject knowledge - teaching methodology will be similar to that general  English.

                The term 'Specific' in ESP refers to the Specific purpose for learning English. Students are able to use what they learn in the ESP. ESP approach enhances the relevance of what the learners are learning and enables them to use  English language.

                We return to the question of the defining features of ESP . Looking closely at 'Specific Purpose ', ESP materials will always draw on the topics and activities of that specific purpose, in many cases exploiting the methodology of the subjects area or the profession.


            "The development of reading skill in learners who are preparing for master works in business administration; or it might promote the development of spoken skills in students who are studying English in order to become tourist guides."

        In ESP class , Students are taught how the subject matter content is expressed in English. Learners' abilities in their subject matter, fields, in turn improve their ability to acquire English. English matter Knowledge gives learners the context to understand English of the classroom.

      Above , we discuss that English for Specific Purpose and General English  are different from each other . However, in some situations - teaching methodology will be similar to that general English.


  An English course for engineers will use engineering situations to present relevant language and discourse; problem solving activities will probably also be used , since they draw on skills and abilities possessed by the students.

  Characteristics Of ESP as follow :

·  ESP designed to meet the Specific needs of the learner.

·  ESP makes use of the underlying methodology and activities of the discipline it serves.

·  ESP is centred on the language (grammar, lexis, register) skills discourse and genres appropriate to these activities.

  The Variable characteristics are:

·  ESP may be related to or designed for specific disciplines.

·  ESP  may be use, in specific teaching situations, a different methodology from that of general English.

·   ESP is likely to be designed for adult-learners , either at a tertiary-level institution or in a professional work situation. It could however, be used for learners at secondary school level.

·  ESP is generally side signed for intermediate or advanced students. Most ESP courses assume basic knowledge of the language system, but it can be used with beginners.

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  Various examples of words which is used only in Specific Fields and Specific Purposes:

·         Architecture
City -Various

·         Veterinarians
Deadliest Snakes
Animal on Farm

·         Medical Words
Internal organs
Aches and pains

Automobile Industry
Car Parts

·         Weather
·          Drinks
Milk Shake

   Needs Analysis :
                                          Need analysis also known as need assessment and it has vital role in the process of designing and carrying out any language courses whether it be English for Specific Purposes or General  English courses. We may describe it as below :


 The Need For Text Analysis :

                 Tony Dudley - Evans believes that the key stage in ESP course design and material development. The next stage is when the ESP teacher considers the text that the learner has to produce and understand, tries to identify the text's key features and devises teaching material that will enable to use the texts effectively.

                ESP work has thus always been interested in the structure of discourse and indeed , has taken often been at the forefront of applied linguistic research.  In ESP genre analysis placed the focus on 'Moves.'

 How the writer structures a text or part of a text through a series of stratagems. Masuku (1996) argues that moves and genres are elements of discourse and that the difference between them is that move combine to form genres.

" A meaningful unit represented in linguistic forms and related to the communicative purpose of the social activity in which members of the discourse community are engaged."

                                               - [ Hozayen 1994:1951]

 The current growth area in ESP is the teaching of business English. Needs analysis in business English must establish exactly how the discourse community uses language and text and effect of culture on the way that discourse is structured.

                Charles (1994-96) shows very effectively how the nature of business relationship has a significant effect on the structure of sales negotiation.

  Syllabus Design:

                In ESP syllabus Design abilities like develops requires in order to successfully communicate in occupational setting is the ability to use the particular "Jargon " that characteristic of the specific occupational context. The second is to use a more generalized set of academic skills and the third is the ability to use language of everyday informal talk to communicative effectively, regardless of occupational context.
Syllabus design must cover the three factors :

v   Conclusion :
                                 Discussing ESP with the reference of Tony Dudley Evans's paper  research work we get must idea about ESP. He talks about ESP with various sides and shows the path for language . He also argued for the importance of genre analysis as leads the course design from the initial needs analysis to materials production and lesson planning.
         ESP teacher is envisaged by those who argue that ESP teaching should be concerned with rights analysis as well as need analysis . Benesch (1999) argues that ESP teacher should not act as interpreter of the way that the subject teacher communicates information in lectures or his/her priorities in marking.

        However , ESP has its own movements, its own journal and it sown procedures, it is still very much part of applied linguistics and continues to be influenced by developments there; it also plays its own role in the development of applied linguistics.

Works Cited

Patel, Tarun. "Effectiveness of a video based trainning programme on grammatical errors of engineering students." ELT Quarterly (2013): 57 - 59.
Sharma, DR Yashwant M. “Designing English Courses for Generating Employability.” ELT Quarterly (2013): 23 to 27.

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