
Showing posts from 2014

Dryden's defenses on modern and ancient

M.K.BHAVNAGAR UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH SEM-1 Name : Bhumi V Joshi Roll No : 3 Enrollment No : PG14101020 Email-id : Paper Name : Literary Theory/Criticism Assignment Topic : Dryden’s defenses on moderns and ancients. Preface :            John Dryden is English poet, dramatist And critic who is the most important in literature of the Restoration age. His most important prose work “ Of Dramatic Poesy, An Essay” gives him the reputation as the father of English literary criticism.                                 John Dryden represented the conflicting claims of the two sides as debate among four friends. One of the them favours the ancient over the modern theater. One modernist prefers the French drama where as Dryden himself likes the lifelike drama of English theater to French tragedy, which he considers beautiful lifeless. Dryden includes the five points in this essay which are as below : 1.  

Kanthapura as a cultural styudy

M.K.BHAVNAGAR UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH SEM-1 Name : Bhumi V Joshi Roll No : 3 Enrollment No : PG14101020 Paper Name : Indian writing in English Assignment Topic : Kanthapura as Cultural study       Preface:                  India is a country known for its tradition and culture. When we say it’s land of grate tradition and culture, its means the people still follow it.                     Raja Rao has ability to fictionalize the essential Indian cultural identity, the religiosity, and spirituality that part of Indian ethos very different. people layout their socio-cultural, economic transactions and interactions.             India is not a country, it is a perspective; it is not a climate, but a mood in the play of the lord –it is not an Indian who makes India ,but ‘India makes the Indian.’ India the nation is neither an intellectual nor a political make up of a people imagination. A nation is an emotional, spiritual, religi