DR.Faustus as Renaissance Spirit.



Name :  Bhumi V Joshi
Roll No : 3
Enrollment No : PG14101020
Paper Name : The Renaissance Literature
Batch Year : 2014 -2016
Email Id : bhumivjoshi108@gmail.com
Assignment Topic :    

  Christopher Marlowe as a  Elizabethan dramatist of Elizabethan age. Give the example of the work which express most perfectly the Renaissance spirit.

We try to define this topic in following sequence like…

 The Elizabethan age
Marlowe as dramatist
 Abut Play

 Dr. Faustus –as morality play
 Dr. Faustus – as a Christian tragedy
 Tragic dilemma
 The heroic character – Doctor Faustus
 Importance of soliloquies

 Preface :

               Marlowe is one of the most suggestive figure of English Renaissance and the greatest of Shakespeare’s predecessors. Marlowe brings Renaissance attitude into Elizabethan age and the most important the medieval valves of Christianity. He was the most intellectual of playwright during this age in English literature.

·   The Elizabethan age :

               After the period of  Edward and Mary, there was ‘Sunrise’ after a long night. It was great period of growing English literature. We find some characteristics of the age like...........

·      The Religious Toleration
·      The Social Contentment
·      The Enthusiasm

There are many other characteristic also like..
·      The spread of knowledge
·      An age of the drama
·      The Renaissance:

The Renaissance is considered a journey from ‘darkness to light’ which brings development in all fields.
“The Renaissance means…people are awakening towards these words and these words are itself describe the meaning of the Renaissance. These words are “ Humanism, Rebirth, Revival, Discover, and Enlightenment.”

Renaissance is also known as the “Revival of learning.”
           Spenser’s “ Faerie Queen”  fully reflects renaissance spirit while Marlowe is regarded as the true child of the Renaissance.

    Marlowe as dramatist:
                Marlowe created subject matter in his drama in high level. He provided Universal appeal in his drama. Reader may find other qualities in his works like… 

 1. Its Pictorial Quality 

     2. Its Ecstatic Quality

        3. Its Vitalizing Energy
Using such imagination, he describes the fact of life. Marlowe wrote many plays but he is famous for his four plays which are as below:
1. Tamburlaine
2. Dr. Faustus
3. The Jew Of Malta
4. Edward 2
Through all his plays, he develops his “Mighty Line”. In his all plays, he uses different themes and neve repeat.
   In The History of Doctor Faustus, Marlowe gives beautiful plot or the flows of the drama and the play represents the whole features of Elizabethan age or Renaissance. Marlowe gives both a theological and human motivation to Dr. Faustus experience of painful suffering because of both religious and human impulse. Marlowe Creates unrealizable ambition :
“The greater the man tries to be, the less he becomes in fact.
    About the play :

        Dr. Faustus - the play is still read in 21st century only because of his two most famous soliloquies.“ The ego-centric self-temptation Act-1 reflects the conflict between religious and human impulses. In the beginning of first soliloquy of scene-1 of Act-2, Faustus declares his own tragedy.”
Faustus has quest for knowledge and never accept the limitation of human. His fall down is necessary part because of his own ‘Error of Judgement’ to choose necromancy and himself suffers from spiritual pain and intense suffering from both religious and human impulses.


According to Leo Krischbaum..

“Faustus is a wretched creature who for lower values gives up higher values          

  In his first soliloquy, Faustus considers and rejects the medieval way of thinking. He resolves full renaissance spirit to accept no limits, traditions, in his quest for knowledge, wealth, and power.Basically, it is a conflict of attitudes- the boy rigidly limitation and defined the world of medieval thinker and the Renaissance world of natural law and human ideas based on demonstrable truth.
The aesthetic dimension is as central to Faustus as the factual or the rational.”

Marlowe brings Renaissance attitude through the character of Dr. Faustus who is convincing since he dies seeking not the mercy God but the extinction of the humane state that has come to be invested with boundless aspirations of Renaissance and awareness.

“Doctor Faustus is the strong of a Renaissance man who had to pay the medieval price for being one.”                              

      - R. M. Dawkins

Marlowe seems hostile towards the great ambition of Faustus and also suggest that..

“ Modern spirit, thought ambitious and glittering will lead only to a Faustian dead end.”

Being a renaissance man, Faustus himself responsible for his fall because he himself choose the wrong option and lead himself  the tragic end because Human has chance to choose.

“Marlowe keep his tragic hero squarely in the medieval world, where eternal damnation is the price of  human pride.”    
- Dawkins.
Dr. Faustus – As a Morality play :
Dr. Faustus – the play of human presumption, temptation, damnation and fall being the essential narration of the morality play.The drama concerns with the destiny of man excepting the all allegorical interplay between the force of good and evil.
·      Conflict between good and evil
·      Creation of good and bad Angels
·      Old man as good counsel
·      Seven deadly sins
Dr. Faustus – As a Christian tragedy:

Dr. Faustus has both elements Christian morality and classical tragedy. Faustus is a tragedy of Christian terms because he gives into temptation and damned to hell. The most important sin is to have ‘Hubris’ – too much excessive pride and ambition which can be contrasted with the Christian virtue of humility.

      In Christianity, there is always the possibility of repentance, at still last moment. Marlowe rejects the idea of Christianity that it is never too late to repent in order to increase the dramatic power of his final in which Faustus is conscious of damnation and yet tragically, can do nothing about it.

      Faustus dilemma is essentially that while religious precludes human possibilities than sin and repentance, the Humanist though and learning gives him no solace being in itself self-limiting. The tragic dilemma in Faustus  does not in his choice inseparable coexistence within his human condition.

“ Faustus wants to go beyond the human nature.”


(1) Faustus – A Renaissance Hero :
        It is proved by Faustus that he is a renaissance hero to give his soul to Satan himself for the sake of gaining greater knowledge for four and twenty years.”Faustus goes against the medieval ideas and tries to prove that..

“Man can rise above the current set of limitations.”

Faustus is superhuman in his ambitions and always thinks and always trying to gaining knowledge.
“Why he should be limited in power by the human condition?”
Ultimately he gets the damnation for his soul. but throughout his life, he is stand  for the representative of The Renaissance Hero.

(2) Dr. Faustus –As a tragic hero

Faustus  always believes that…

“ Experience only thing that using of it one can become the knowledgeable.”

             His wish to be powerful and superior leads him to be damnation for forever. Because of his too much ambitious behavior and quest of human nature, he is ready to sell his soul to Satan. Faustus Is the master of all study fields like… Necromancy, history science and technology and all fields. He wants to be like –God by getting great knowledge power. He doesn’t accept the limitation and reaches gradually towards his tragic end.

         Hero is one who not only has many good aspects, but many flaws."One is not hero through great qualities; but through flows. Faustus repents a great man with stature and personality, but it is also a man with many sins.”

Faustus never listen the advice of the Old man or good Angle also. Faustus starts  struggle with his own destiny and  he  says that…
“ Kill me but can’t destroy my spirit!”
Faustus has hope that God-Almighty save his soul at last moment but it is too late for him, though he doesn’t allow himself to burst out screaming and crying for salvation and repentance.
“ The most important thing is not to stop questioning.”

The most important that Mephistopheles also warns him doing sign on paper by his blood.

[W]hy this is hell, nor am I out of it.
Think’st thou that I, who saw the face of God,
And tasted the eternal joys of heaven,
Am not tormented with ten thousand hells
In being deprived of everlasting bliss?”(3.76-80)


             In  the first monologue ,Dr. Faustus seems scholar but so egoist person to audiences or readers. Because  he uses the words of Greek and Latin language and his loud voice pitch of language proves him as more knowledgeable person. Common people can’t imagine his knowledge and scholarship also. He only believes that Seeing is believing.In first monologue, he fully challenge to his fate or destiny whatever we called being the knowledgeable and has the power of excessive pride.
                        In the last monologue, we find the same person with the different personality so humble,  modest and kind towards God . Language is also different .His excessive pride melt and now is suffering from spiritual pain and human impulses.
 Faustus wants to repent but he can’t do and complain that

”My heart is hard ended;
I can’t repent.”

At the end of the play ,in last  scene Faustus realize that............
        “Power comes with responsibility.”

Marlowe gives the chance to his character- Dr. Faustus  to select Blasphemous choice of black magic is a splendid beginning; and his final moments to dread and despair are a powerful conclusion.


                Renaissance describes the light to come out from the darkness and to do something new which has no boundary itself. The play- “Dr. Faustus” reflects the whole feathers of the Elizabethan Age. Seeing the spirit of facing any situation after selecting one, Faustus never takes step back describes the Renaissance spirit. Thus we may conclude that“ Marlowe is the dramatist of Elizabethan age and his work Dr. Faustus has the spirit of Renaissance spirit.”


  1. You have published your assignment two times. But your explanation was good you have taken appropriate quotations overall work is good.

  2. I’m coming in rather late here but there’s something I’ve been wondering about this topic and You nicely cover this, Thanks for sharing such this nice article. Your post was really good. Some ideas can be made. About English literature. Further, you can access this site to read Doctor Faustus' as a Morality Play


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